James & Stephanie's Springtime Engagement Session in Downtown Lynchburg, Virginia


These beautiful faces are James and Stephanie. He’s a pilot and she’s a graphic designer. They are literally the cutest human beings. They met in school at Liberty University. They started dating a little over a year ago, one fateful night at Bootlegger’s restaurant on the bluff walk, where we returned for their engagement session. James, trying to be subtle, offered to pay for her dinner; and Stephanie, not fully grasping the moment, asked, “…Why?” She finally caught on, and if you fast-forward a bit, James would eventually propose to her in Washington, DC with his grandmother’s heirloom ring.

They are currently planning their wedding at the end of May, and we’re praying that, Lord willing, the pandemic won’t force them to postpone. Either way, though, you know this will be one of the most beautiful weddings ever with a designer as the bride!

Here are a few of my favorite moments below. It captures them being themselves, which is mostly them being silly and picking on each other. It was such fun to be part of their evening back downtown. Enjoy!

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